It’s time to take your life back from constant anxiety and stress.


Anxiety and chronic stress takes it’s toil on our mind, body and emotional well-being. You have been living with it long enough, it’s time you find real, long- lasting relief.

Being stuck in a constant state of worry and overwhelm is emotionally and mentally exhausting. Maybe you have noticed your body is tense, restless and you feel like you're always on edge. Or perhaps you feel irritable almost all the time and find you can’t help but lash out at those around you despite how terrible it feels when you do.

You feel you are always preparing for the next bad thing that could happen and it’s impossible to relax or rest. You lay awake at night with your mind racing either rehashing everything from the day or ruminating about all you have to do tomorrow. Your sleep and physical health(headaches, stomachaches, increased heart rate, or high blood pressure) are being negatively affected and nothing you have tried has been helpful.

You try so hard to get it right and to feel some sense of control in your life, but the harder you try the more defeated you feel. You know you are stuck in an unhelpful cycle but don’t know how to get out of it.

"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” - unknown


Life can feel different than the way it does today.

Therapy can help you break the hold anxiety has on you.

I get how debilitating anxiety can be and the impact it has on your day to day decisions, relationships, and how you feel about yourself. I want to help you come to understand what’s at the root of your anxiety and break free of the feeling of being stuck in it once and for all.

Together we will come to understand what fuels the anxiety and stress, the underlying fears and beliefs that perpetuate it. You will begin to understand that to fight against it only makes it worse. I help you listen to what it needs you to know and what it’s intention actually is.

Through developing a deeper understanding of your anxiety and it’s intention, you begin to feel more compassion and connection with yourself. You strengthen your ability to tolerate what in the past has caused you such distress. You find ways to be with these fears and worries while remaining calm within. You learn to prioritize your own self-care and well-being without feeling selfish or afraid other’s will be upset with you. You finally find the balance you’ve been searching for, and you let go of the need to control everything because now you have the confidence that no matter what life throws your way you’re going to be OK!

What we’ll work on:

  • Identifying and implementing some effective coping strategies to help manage the anxiety while we do the deeper work.

  • Understanding what is at the root of your anxiety and make connections to past experiences that contribute to why and how it shows up in the present.

  • Processing through past and present triggers for feelings of anxiety, panic, and overwhelm. Develop self-compassion for why these emotions have been so challenging to manage.

  • Increasing your tolerance of distressing emotions and improving your ability to be with your emotions in a helpful way. You’ll learn how to respond rather than react to those emotions.

  • Embodying and accessing an inner state of calm and safety that helps to rewire your nervous system and sets you free from the perpetual cycle of anxiety.


What others have wondered about anxiety therapy…

  • Of course everyone‘s progress is different and often depends on where they are at in their readiness and capacity for change. Wherever you are at, we’ll get to work right away to start to identify some helpful coping strategies to manage the anxiety from day one. With weekly therapy most client’s start to experience some positive shifts in 10-12 sessions.

    That said, if you are looking to do the deeper work to find long-lasting change that can take more time as we will be working to rewire the brain and body to ensure the debilitating anxiety doesn’t return.

  • The greatest predictor for positive outcomes in therapy is the therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist. If you feel seen, heard, and understood after learning more about me and how I work with clients here that’s a good sign I will be able to help you. To find out more contact me for a free consultation now.

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.

Learn to slow down, take a breath, and find your inner calm.